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"At the age of 35, our system of consciousness and subconscious is so shaped that 95% of our behavior happens automatically. We run on autopilot - based on our experiences in the past."


Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist

Building on the methods of Tony Robbins and current findings from research and science, I help
to optimize the inner autopilot of my customers.
So that they know what they really want or replace defective beliefs with useful ones.
And thus achieve your goals.

Coaching with Karina is

  • For everyone who wants to take their life into their own hands.

  • For everyone who strives to change and improve themselves, their life as a whole or individual areas of it.

  • For all who are ready to face themselves.

  • For everyone who is not only looking for superficial "quick fixes", but wants to get to the bottom of things.

  • For everyone who wants to get to know and understand their behavioral patterns - and who are open to ways of overcoming them.

  • For everyone for whom any coaching is not enough. Those who expect effective strategies that bring lasting success.

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