What if everyone had a happy, fulfilling life?
Everyone who knows me knows: I like to think visionary.
When I was a child I asked myself what makes people tick and why so many are unhappy.
I wanted to become a scientist and find out how to help people be happy and have a good life.
I got dissuaded from my vision - why can be read in one of my next blogposts.
But: There was a happy ending .
Or rather: A happy new edition of my vision from childhood days: I discovered coaching!
Applying the knowledge of researchers by working with people suits me much better than doing research myself.
Coaching is not only about WHY we think & behave the way we do - its about the HOW.
HOW we can change what we dislike about ourselves or our interaction with others.
HOW we become happy again when we are unhappy. HOW we find out what is really important to us in life. HOW we find solutions to small and large everyday challenges.
And by that not only have an acceptable, tolerable life - but a really happy, fulfilled life.

Why do I coach?
I want, that everyone has a happy, fulfilled life.
Wouldn't that be great?
As individual as our DNA is each one's path to a happy, fulfilled life.
As a coach, I help my clients with finding their own individual path.
I want more value for my customers
For 13 years I have been working intensively with the most diverse methods, approaches and possibilities that coaching offers.
I read, learn, and test all kinds of methods - be it systemic coaching, NLP, or the methods of Tony Robbins.
I am a certified business coach (IHK) since 2015
and have a degree from the Robbins-Madanes-Coaching Institute.
At the coaching training institute of Tony Robbins and Chloe Madanes I learned the best methods I ever came across. Thus, I mostly apply their approaches during my coachings.
10 facts about me
1 I wanted to become a scientist when I was 12 to find out why people tick the way they tick.
2 I used to be 13 kg heavier and as a child I was so unathletic that I was usually the last to be chosen for a team in school sports. Nevertheless I became an intern at the German Athletics Association.
3 My first ever class assignment in English was so bad that I came home crying. Years later I did my Bachelor and Master studies in English.
4 I have worked in tourism for many years. One of my goals was to make barrier-free travel sexy. In 2018 I founded a startup to market barrier-free vacation offers.
5 I had my first coaching 13 years ago: The death of a loved one threw me off track and I almost messed up my master studies. Thanks to coaching, I have regained my composure.
6 I donate at least 2% of my earnings to Denis Mukwege's Panzi Hospital. He operates in Congo under the most difficult conditions, helping women and children who have been raped.
7 I regularly keep time slots for people who want to change something in their lives but currently cannot afford coaching.
8 I dropped out of my first degree course and gave up my career goal since childhood. Afterwards it took me a long time to find something that grabs me so much that I would give everything for it.
9 I grew up on a farm, got my tractor driving license at the age of 15, was wine queen and am member of the countrywomen's association. Since I finished school I have always lived in larger cities or abroad.
10 I met my husband on a train. It was love at first sight! I regularly keep appointment slots free for people with something in their Want to change lives - but currently cannot afford coaching.
What customers say
"For a long time I was faced with an important professional decision and could not decide on a path. That's when I became aware of Karina and I already felt that I was in very good hands when we first met. After our first coaching I did one of her exercises and, surprisingly for me, my solution quickly became apparent. Many thanks for the fast and very competent help!
Christoph, Business customer, Bayreuth
"Karina has an almost inexhaustible fund of techniques, procedures, methods - but so do others. What really makes her special: In a matter of seconds she can offer changes of direction that are right and important at this very moment of coaching. In this way she increases the speed for the next steps many times over. This flexibility and the precise response to her counterpart will definitely help you move forward!
Katja Kerschgens, Speakerin, Author & PlanBMentor
"Karina immediately draws you into her spell and you feel immediately
connected to her. With her I can always say straight what I feel and think - I can just be myself."
Monika, Frankfurt
"Persistence and precise questions, paired with empathy: What is often still exhausting in an appointment, develops in its effect as a helpful insight. Karina von Keitz's broad view brings many side issues into focus and also finds solutions for these causes if helpful for the process. Her openness for the nuances of life rounds off the coaching in a special way."
Susanne, Hamburg